Student and staff wellbeing is a key priority. The following is a summary of the key safety measures in place to manage risks posed by Covid-19:
Alert Level Two
Classes can go ahead, but we all have responsibilities to keep each other safe. See the poster on this page for details.
Alert Level One
Classes can go ahead, but we must maintain good hygiene practices:
Students need to sanitize/wash hands upon arrival (and at the beginning and end of breaks at holiday programme).
Parents will need to sanitize their hands before using the pen to sign in.
QR codes and sign in registers for contact tracing will be available.
Physical distancing is encouraged where possible.
High use surfaces will be cleaned upon arrival and at the end of each class/break.
Any students and/or staff displaying any covid-19 symptoms will be asked to stay home.
See our terms & conditions for specific Covid-19 terms.