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22, 24 & 26 APRIL 2024, AUCKLAND

The Initiate Dance Teachers' Intensive is a community dance project which will bring together dance teachers from Tāmaki Makaurau and provide a space to explore inclusive and culturally responsive dance teaching practices.

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DATE: Mon 22, Wed 24, Fri 26 April 2024
TIME: 10am-3pm each day

LOCATION: The Crossing Community Centre (Kaurilands Hall)
               30/44 Kaurilands Road, Titirangi, Auckland
COST: $50 for the three days
OPEN TO: Dance teachers in Auckland (only 15 spaces available)
FACILTATED BY: Teuila Hughes

Over three days teachers will participate in group discussions, self-reflection, and movement workshops to critically explore their own and wider dance teaching practices in their community.

The workshop will culminate in a video project encapsulating the ideas explored over the three days.

The workshop aims to consider aspects of Western practices and intercultural competence specifically in relation to what and how dance can be taught in dance classes within Tāmaki Makaurau. The project will encourage critical and innovative thinking and development around how recreational dance education can be developed to foster inclusive and culturally responsive teaching practices.

Places are limited & the workshop is in-person only.

This programme is supported by the Auckland Council Creative Communities Scheme.



Teuila Hughes is a Ph.D. candidate and graduate teacher in Dance Studies at Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland. As a Samoan-Australian woman, artist, teacher, and researcher, she is drawn to discourse that unearths socio-cultural narratives, pertaining to identity and sustainability of indigenous ways of knowing, doing, and being. Her work has moved her through diverse cultural landscapes including Fiji, Samoa, Hawai’i, Colombia and China. Grounded in indigenous Oceanic theories and methodologies, her current research explores indigenous articulations of embodied knowledge within Samoan dance practice, pedagogy, and performance. Teuila’s work is rooted in her commitment to fostering inclusive and empowering learning environments, with aims to ignite transformative dialogue and practice within academic and community spaces. 




Kristie Mortimer is a dance educator and researcher based in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland in Aotearoa New Zealand. Kristie holds a PhD in Dance Studies from the University of Auckland (2020). She was awarded the Caroline Plummer Fellowship in Community Dance 2020 at the University of Otago. In 2015, Kristie founded Initiate Dance, a community dance initiative aimed at creating inclusive and accessible opportunities for young people to participate in dance. ​

​Kristie is actively engaged in dance education and community dance activities throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, teaching in schools, studios, Corrections Facilities and the wider community. Kristie’s research interests include dance pedagogy, community dance, dance ethnography, dance education in diverse socio-cultural contexts, and multiculturalism in dance and arts education.

For any questions please contact Kristie at

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Can I book and pay later?

Yes, you can fill in the booking form to register your spot in the workshop - a great idea to do sooner rather than later since spaces are limited! Payment will then be required to confirm your space by Friday 19 April 2024.

Do I need to bring anything?

You will need to bring your own lunch, comfortable clothing to move in, paper/book and pen, and an open mind! Some simple tea, coffee and snacks will be provided.

Can I attend just one or two days?

Ideally participants will join all three days as the workshops are designed to progress and work towards the creation of a video project. If you can only attend one or two, please get in touch and we can chat further.

Does it matter what kind of dance I teach?

Definitely not! Anyone who teaches dance is welcome to join. While it will be tailored to studio/recreational dance practices, dance teachers from any context will still find it beneficial and enjoyable!

Does it matter if I haven't been a student or participated in workshops for a while?

Definitely not! The workshops will be a safe and inclusive space for learning, creating and sharing movement and ideas, and will be tailored to the participants.

What will we actually be doing? Are we dancing and/or having discussions?

There will be a mix of dancing and discussions each day, probably about a 50/50 split. You will be working collaboratively to learn and create dances, while also having group discussions and opportunities for self-reflection. A workshop outline will be available online soon.

Do I have to be in the video?

We won't force anyone to be in the video! And it's certainly not a prerequisite for the workshops. The video may include a mix of talking and moving, and it will be planned and created by all workshop participants throughout the three days.

Where will the video be shared?
All participants will have access to the video for sharing with their communities. It will also be shared in 'Initiate Dance' YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. Our hope is the video can help share some of the ideas we explore in the workshops.

Any other questions? Please contact Kristie at


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